The latest in the Grand Priory of England's Chapter Room talks will be given by Dr Max Lau, an historian and Junior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford, on the subject "The Knights of Massawa? Coffee, crusade, and how the Order of St John almost moved to Africa". The talk promises an intriguing examination of a little-studied episode in the Order’s history.
All are very welcome to attend the talk and to bring guests. The talk will last c.45 minutes, questions will be welcome, and formal proceedings will be followed by a glass of wine. A voluntary donation of £10 is suggested for attendees.
About this series:
The Grand Priory’s Chapter Room talks address topics relating to Christian culture, heritage, and history, looking not only at the Order of Malta but more broadly across time, place, people and institutions. It is hoped that the exploration of cultural phenomena and the way in which the Church has influenced and engaged with them will complement the ongoing formation of Members. Understanding our Christian culture will give us more of the tools we need to understand our Faith, communicate it to others, and defend it from the Church’s critics, pursuant therefore to the Order’s charism of ‘Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum”. The talks will also give Members, volunteers, friends, guests, and others interested in the Order the opportunity to meet informally.