The Grand Priory

The Grand Priory of England is part of the Order of Malta, being one of the six Grand Priories, five Sub-Priories, and 47 national associations which cover different countries and regions.

The Grand Priory is comprised of knights who have made vows of povery, chastity and obedience (known as ‘Knights of Justice’), as well as knights and dames who have committed themselves to deepening their spirituality through making a Promise of Obedience (known as Knights and Dames ‘in Obedience’) and knights and dames who make no vows or Promise of Obedience but who are admitted to the Order as members “in augmentation of the Christian faith and of charity” (know as Knights and Dames of the ‘Third Class’). 

According to the ancient custom of the Order (and as is characteristic of a military order), members of the Grand Priory do not live in cloistered communities but rather live out their vocations in the world, gathering together for Holy Mass, prayer, retreats, and to participate in the hospitaller works of the Order, that is, the practical outreach to the poor, elderly, ill and marginalised.

Based in London, the Grand Priory works together with its sister organisation in Britain, the British Association. In general terms, the Priory governs the members of the Order in Britain and is responsible for the spiritual works of the Order in Britain, its religious activities and pilgrimages, and the spiritual formation of its members, whilst the British Association leads on the hospitaller works, subject to the Grand Priory’s supervision. Through this close cooperation, all members of the Order are able to pursue the Order’s charism of ‘tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum’ (defence of the Catholic faith and service of the poor). 

The Grand Priory is led by the Grand Prior of England who is assisted by a number of officers and the Chapter, which is comprised of those members who have taken religious vows, and elected representatives from those Obedience and the Third Class.

  • His Excellency the Grand Prior of England:
    Fra’ Maxwell Rumney

  • Chancellor: Fra’ Richard Berkley-Matthews

  • Reciever: Benedict Jennings

  • Pro-Hospitaller: James Pavey

  • Members of Chapter: H.E. Fra’ John Eidinow; Fra’ Ian Scott;
    Fra’ Duncan Gallie; Fra’ Paul Caffrey; Susan Buchan of Auchmacoy; Lt Col. Thomas de Burgh; Joanna Whitaker; Jack Straker; and Monsignor John Armitage. 

The priests who serve as chaplains to the Order are led by the Principal Chaplain, Monsignor John Armitage. The chaplains support and sustain the spiritual life of the members through celebrating Holy Mass, providing spiritual direction, and leading retreats.