
The liturgical celebrations of the Grand Priory are public celebrations to which all are invited to participate. Other events may be intended mainly or solely for members of the Order. If you are not a member of the Order but are interested in attending and learning more about the Order and the Priory, please contact us.

A PDF of the Priory’s 2025 calendar of events is available here. If you use Google calendar, you can add our events to your own using this link.

Stations of the Cross & Mass

Stations of the Cross & Mass

Each Friday during Lent, the Grand Priory will be joining with the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory for sung Stations of the Cross, veneration of the Priory’s relic of the True Cross, and a Votive Mass of one of the mysteries of the Passion.

This second Friday of Lent, the Votive Mass will be that of the Holy Lance and Nails.

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Stations of the Cross & Mass

Stations of the Cross & Mass

Each Friday during Lent, the Grand Priory will be joining with the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory for sung Stations of the Cross, veneration of the Priory’s relic of the True Cross, and a Votive Mass of one of the mysteries of the Passion.

This first Friday of Lent, the Votive Mass will be that of the Crown of Thorns, to which the Order has had a deep devotion for many centuries.

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Requiem Mass: Cardinal Merry de Val

Requiem Mass: Cardinal Merry de Val

The Servant of God Rafael Cardinal Merry de Val was Pope Piux X’s secretary of state and a distinguished musician and scholar. Although from a Spanish noble house, the Cardinal was born in England and baptised at St James’s Spanish Place, a church to which the Priory has a strong connection - two nights a week, the Order feeds the poor and homeless there. The Cardinal was also a member of the Order.

On his anniversary, 26 February, at 6:45pm there will be a requiem Mass celebrated at in the Lady Chapel of St James’ Spanish Place, given to the church by Cardinal Merry de Val’s family.

All are welcome to attend.

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February Day of Recollection

February Day of Recollection

The Grand Priory’s February Day of Recollection will take place on Saturday 22 February at our Chapter Room and Library at 23 Golden Square. Days of Recollection are miniature retreats for Members of the Order and those who wish to strengthen their spiritual life. Over the course of the day, we sing the Divine Office together, attend Holy Mass, listen to two spiritual conferences, and adore the Blessed Sacrament.

On 25 January, the Day of Recollection will be led by Fr Christopher Colven, a chaplain of our Order and Catholic chaplain to Parliament, and will start at 10:30am with sung Lauds.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us via our website.

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February Conventual Mass - Our Lady of Lourdes

February Conventual Mass - Our Lady of Lourdes

The Grand Priory’s monthly Conventual Mass will take place in February on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th February. The Order has a great devotion to Our Lady’s sanctuary at Lourdes, whence we undertake a great pilgrimage once a year. The feast day is also designated as “Companions’ Day”, when we pray for the work of the Companions of the Order of Malta, the Order’s principal volunteer force in Britain.

Mass will be celebrated at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street.

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Requiem Mass: Servant of God Fra' Andrew Bertie

Requiem Mass: Servant of God Fra' Andrew Bertie

The Priory will mark the anniversary of the death in 2008 of Fra’ Andrew Bertie, 78th Prince and Grand Master, with a Requiem Mass on Thursday 6 February 2025 at 6:30 at Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London.

The Cause for Fra’ Andrew’s canonisation was opened in Rome in 2015, reflecting the profound spiritual and human virtues which Fra’ Andrew possessed, especially through his living of the charism of the Order, ‘Tuitio Fidei, Obsequium Pauperum’. Mass will conclude with the recitation of the prayers for his Cause.

All are welcome to attend.

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January Day of Recollection

January Day of Recollection

The Grand Priory’s first Day of Recollection of 2025 will take place on Saturday 25 January at our Chapter Room and Library at 23 Golden Square. Days of Recollection are miniature retreats for Members of the Order and those who wish to strengthen their spiritual life. Over the course of the day, we sing the Divine Office together, attend Holy Mass, listen to two spiritual conferences, and adore the Blessed Sacrament.

On 25 January, the Day of Recollection will be led by Canon Jonathan Martin, Vicar General of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, and will start at 10:30am with sung Lauds.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us via our website.

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January Conventual Mass

January Conventual Mass

The Grand Priory’s monthly conventual Mass in January 2025 will take place on 14 January at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street.

All are welcome to attend.

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Blessing of Epiphany Water and Chalk

Blessing of Epiphany Water and Chalk

The Grand Priory will once again be joining the parish of the church of St James's Spanish Place for the solemn blessing of Epiphany Water and Chalk. The service will take place at 5:30pm on Epiphany Eve, the 5th January 2025.

Water blessed in this way is a powerful sacramental with which to bless ourselves, our homes, and our families at the start of the New Year.

Phials of Holy Water, pieces of chalk, and blessing cards will be distributed at the end of the service.

If you wish to bring your own water or salt to be blessed, you must bring it in a clean and appropriate container - water in plastic drinking bottles or salt in plastic containers or bags will not be blessed. Similarly, if you wish to bring your own container to collect Holy Water, it must be appropriate and fitting for this purpose.

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Advent Evening of Recollection

Advent Evening of Recollection

Our annual Advent Recollection, helping us to prepare spiritually for the great feast of Christmas, will take place on 19 December from 6:30pm, at Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street.

Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali will give a spiritual conference at 6:30pm, which will be followed by Holy Mass at around 7pm.

All are welcome to attend.

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Carol Service

Carol Service

The Order’s annual Carol Service in London will take place on Wednesday 11 December 2025 at 7pm at the church of St James’s, Spanish Place.

This candle-lit service marking the Advent season and the approach of Christmas, will include traditional carols, beautiful choral music, and scripture, and conclude with Benediction.

The service is followed by a reception. To buy tickets, visit Proceeds go to support the work of the Companions of the Order of Malta with the poor and marginalised.

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Rorate Mass

Rorate Mass

The Priory will mark the beginning of Advent with a traditional, candlelit, Mass of Our Blessed Lady, on Tuesday 3 December. This beautiful custom is called a “Rorate Mass”, after the first word of the Introit for the Mass, Rorate caeli de super et nubes pluant justm - “Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness.”

The Mass will be celebrated at 8am on Tuesday 3 December at Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, and be followed by coffee in the Chapter Room. All are welcome to attend.

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Vespers with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Vespers with Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pizzaballa, is visiting London at the end of November.

We are delighted that we will host His Beatitude for sung Vespers on Thursday 28 November at 4:15pm. This will take place, by kind permission of our friends in the Venerable Order of St John, in the crypt of the Priory Church of St John, Clerkenwell, the pre-Reformation home of the Grand Priory and now in the care of the Venerable Order.

This is a wonderfully fitting venue, given that Cardinal Pizzzaballa’s predecessor, Heraclius, consecrated the Priory Church in 1185.

The following Sunday, 1 December (Advent Sunday), the Patriarch will preach at the 12 noon solemn Mass at Westminster Cathedral, and has asked for the presence of representatives from our Order given our long connection with the Holy Land.

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Annual Scottish Requiem Mass

Annual Scottish Requiem Mass

The Order's Scottish Requiem Mass offered for the repose of the souls of deceased Members and Companions will be offered at 12 noon on Saturday 23 November in St Margaret's Chapel, Gillis Centre, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB. The celebrant will be the Very Rev'd Fr Scott Deeley, Magistral Chaplain.

Members, Companions and their guests are all invited to attend.

Members and clergy should bring choir dress. Vesting facilities will be available for before Holy Mass in the centre's Islay Suite (from 11:15AM).

There is parking both within the Centre grounds and the surrounding streets (free of charge on Saturdays)/

After Mass, there will be a reception with light refreshments in the Islay Suite, for which a donation (£15 for Members and their guests and £10 for Companions and their guests) is requested.

Anyone wishing to attend is asked to email Mark Hamid
( by Monday 18 November; this will assist with the marshalling of those in choir and the provision of refreshments.

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Day of Recollection - Yarlington House

Day of Recollection - Yarlington House

By kind invitation of Count and Countess Charles de Salis, there will be (for the seventh year) a Day of Recollection at Yarlington House, Somerset BA9 8DY on Saturday 23rd November, the eve of the Feast of the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our confrère, Fr Stephen Morrison O.Praem, Parish Priest at Our Lady of Sorrows, Peckham, will lead the day.

The day will start with Holy Mass at 10.30am, followed by morning and afternoon talks from Fr. Stephen, recitation of the Rosary and times for confession and reflection. Refreshments will be provided during the day and lunch will be at 1pm. We will finish with tea at around 4pm.

There will be a charge for the day of £25 per person, which should be paid in advance when your place has been confirmed - please contact Duncan McKechnie to do so.

As ever, everyone is invited: all Members of the Order in Britain, Companions, members of the OMV, family and guests. Those based on the Southwest of England are particularly encouraged to make the effort to attend.

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Midlands Day of Recollection - Harvington Hall

Midlands Day of Recollection - Harvington Hall

The Order’s annual Day of Recollection at the famed recusant house, Harvington Hall (Kidderminster, Worcester, DY10 4LR ) will take place on Friday 15 November 2024.

Harvington Hall was built in the 1580s by Humphrey Pakington and passed to the Throckmorton family in 1696. The Hall is renowned for the number and diversity of its priest’s hiding places, most likely by St. Nicholas Owen. It has fascinating early wall paintings, and more renovation has taken place since we were last there. There will be ample opportunity to explore the house during the day.

The day will be led by our confrère, Fr Richard Duffield, Provost of the York Oratory.

Horarium (choir dress will be worn for those parts marked with an *):

  • 10.30am - Coffee in the Great Chamber

  • 11.00am - First Spiritual Conference

  • 11.45 noon - Confessions and silent prayer

  • 12:15pm - *Holy Mass in St Mary’s Church

  • 1.00pm - Lunch

  • 2:15pm - Second Spiritual Conference

  • 3pm - Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Lunch: There is no in-house catering so please bring a packed lunch: coffee and tea will be provided.  Alternatively, lunch will be available at the Dog, which is half a mile away.  In order to fit in with what is for them a fairly tight timescale, a sandwich menu will be circulated for pre-orders a fortnight in advance.

A donation of £20 per head is requested to defray the costs of the day which can be made on the day by cash or cheque (but cash preferred), or in advance by bank transfer.

If you wish to come please contact us in advance by 1st November.

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Annual Requiem Mass

Annual Requiem Mass

The Order’s annual Requiem Mass for our deceased members and benefactors will take place on 12 November 2024, at 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street. The date is also significant as it is the third anniversary of the death of Fra’ Matthew Festing, 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Order.

All are welcome to attend.

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Day of Recollection - London

Day of Recollection - London

The Grand Priory’s October Day of Recollection will take place in central London, at the Priory’s Chapter Room and the adjacent parish church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street on 26 October 2024.

The day will be led by Fr Christian de Lisle and will start with sung Lauds at 10:30am. Throughout the day, there will be spiritual conferences, Holy Mass, opportunities for confession, and exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

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Feast of Blessed Gerard, our Founder

Feast of Blessed Gerard, our Founder

The Grand Priory will mark the feast of Blessed Gerard, who founded the Order in 11th century Jerusalem, on 14 October 2024 (transferred from 13 October which this year falls on a Sunday).

A solemn Mass will be celebrated at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, at the end of which a relic of Blessed Gerard will be venerated.

In addition, after Mass, the Grand Prior will confer the Medal of Merit of the Grand Priory of England on this year’s recipients.

All are warmly invited to attend, and clergy and members of the Order should wear choir dress.

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General Assembly

General Assembly

The annual meeting of the General Assembly of the Grand Priory of England will take place at 5pm on Monday 14 October at 5pm. The meeting will be held in the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street. All members of the Order ordinarily resident in Britain are required to attend unless excused by some just cause. Apologies for absence should be addressed to the Chancellor.

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Vespers and Rosary - Our Lady of the Rosary

Vespers and Rosary - Our Lady of the Rosary

The Grand Priory will keep the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary with sung Vespers and Rosary on Monday 7 October. This feast is also known as Our Lady of Victories or the feast of the Battle of Lepanto, as it commemorates the defeat of the Ottoman fleet at Lepanto in 1571, a defeat attributed by the Pope, St Pius V, to the intercession of Our Blessed Lady after he exhorted all Christians to pray the Rosary for this intention. Galleys of our Order took part this in this decisive naval engagement, which, together with the defeat of the Ottoman attempt to take our island of Malta in 1565, ensured the Christian presence in Mediterranean.

Vespers and Rosary will take place at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London, and all are invited to attend.

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Day of Recollection - Wardour

Day of Recollection - Wardour

Our next Day of Recollection will be the annual visit to New Wardour Castle in Wiltshire, and will take place on Saturday 28 September 2024. 

Wardour Chapel was built as part of Wardour Castle, near the small town of Tisbury, by the recusant Arundell family in the late 18th century, and is a masterpiece of the neo-classical style.  Tisbury can be reached by car via the A303, or by train.

The day will be led by our confrère, Fr Stephen Morrison O.Praem. 

Horarium (choir dress will be worn for those parts marked with an *):

  • Gather from 10am at the Chapel

  • 10.30am - *Lauds

  • 11.00am - First Spiritual Conference

  • 12.00 noon - *Holy Mass

  • 1pm - Lunch

  • 2:30pm - Second Spiritual Conference

  • 3:15pm - *Vespers, Exposition, & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

A donation of £20 per head will be asked for on the day, to cover the costs of the clergy and of lunch

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'Victory Mass' - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

'Victory Mass' - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Grand Priory will keep the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the transferred date of Monday 9 September.

This feast is of special significance for the Order of Malta. First, it is on this feast that we venerate Our Lady under the title “Our Lady of Philermo” - you can read more about this title and devotion here.

Secondly, on this day in 1565, by Our Lady’s intercession the Great Siege of Malta by the Ottomans was lifted, following four months of heroic struggle by the overwhelmingly outnumbered knights led by Jean de Valette. It is on account of this providential victory that the Mass on today’s feast has ever since been called the ‘Victory Mass’

Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street.

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Conventual Mass: the Assumption

Conventual Mass: the Assumption

The Grand Priory will celebrate the great feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Holy Mass at 6:30pm at the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick, that church’s patronal feast.

All are welcome to attend.

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Vespers: the Transfiguration

Vespers: the Transfiguration

The Grand Priory will mark the feast of the Transfiguration with sung Vespers and Benediction, starting at 6:30pm on 6th August 2024 at Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street. All are welcome.

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August Day of Recollection

August Day of Recollection

The Order’s next Day of Recollection will take place at Farnborough Abbey, on 3 August 2024 by kind permission of Abbot Brogan. We are delighted that day will be led by Fr Pius Collins, one of the community of Norbertine Canons based at Peckham.

Farnborough is easily accessible by car (junction 4 of the M3) or train to the main station in Farnborough then a short walk. For those who do not know it, the Abbey is well worth a visit – founded by the Empress Eugénie as a monastery and Imperial Mausoleum to house the mortal remains of her husband Napoleon III and their son the Prince Imperial (killed under British colours in the Zulu War of 1879), and designed by the renowned French architect Gabriel-Hyppolyte Destailleur (who also designed Waddesdon Manor).

As ever, everyone is welcome: all Members of the Order in Britain, Companions, friends, family, and guests. Recollections are a very important vehicle for the ongoing formation and spiritual development of members, to which we all commit when we join the Order.

Please bring choir dress if you are a Member of the Order – it will be worn for those parts of the day marked with an *.


10.30am *Lauds (Abbey Church)
11.15am *Holy Mass (Abbey Church)
12.15 noon Confessions (House Chapel)
12:30 Lunch
2:15pm Spiritual Conference
3pm Abbey tour / Confessions
3:30pm *Holy Rosary (Abbey Church)
3:45pm *Vespers, Exposition, & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (Abbey Church)
4:30pm Tea and departure

There will be a collection, with a suggested donation of £10 per person, to defray the costs of the day.

Please note that no formal arrangements will be made for lunch, but, as is the custom
at Days of Recollection in London, please bring food to share and we will eat a shared lunch together in the Refectory.

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Chapter Room Talk: "Music, the Hospitallers, and the Tudors"

Chapter Room Talk: "Music, the Hospitallers, and the Tudors"

The latest in our series of Chapter Room talks will be given by Professor Magnus Williamson, Professor of Early Music at Newcastle University, on “Music, the Hospitallers and the Tudors”. Professor Williamson is a specialist in the sources and context of late Mediaeval and Early Modern/Renaissance English and French music, and has recently worked with Ensemble Pro Victoria (directed by our own praefectus cantorum, Toby Ward), including on their exquisite album marking Robert Fayrfax’s quincentenary, Music for Tudor Kings and Queens.

All are very welcome to attend the talk and to bring guests. The talk will last c.45 minutes, questions will be welcome, and formal proceedings will be followed by a glass of wine. A voluntary donation of £10 is suggested for attendees.

About this series:

The Grand Priory’s Chapter Room talks address topics relating to Christian culture, heritage, and history, looking not only at the Order of Malta but more broadly across time, place, people and institutions. It is hoped that the exploration of cultural phenomena and the way in which the Church has influenced and engaged with them will complement the ongoing formation of Members. Understanding our Christian culture will give us more of the tools we need to understand our Faith and communicate it to others, pursuant therefore to the Order’s charism of ‘Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum”. The talks also give Members, volunteers, friends, guests, and others interested in the Order the opportunity to meet informally.

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Blessed David Gunson Pilgrimage

Blessed David Gunson Pilgrimage

Each year the Grand Priory makes a pilgrimage to the site of the martyrdom of our Blessed David Gunson on his feast,12 July.

Blessed David, one of our three Reformation martyrs (together with Blessed Adrian Fortescue and the Venerable Thomas Dingley), was executed during the Henrician persecution of the church, on 12 July 1541 at St Thomas Waterings, Southwark. Having long been venerated by the Order as a martyr, he was formally beatified on 15 December 1929.

The pilgrimage will begin with Holy Mass and Sermon at 6pm at the Church of Our Lady of la Salette, Melior Street, Borough SE1 3QP (courtesy of the Parish Priest, Fr Mark Powell OAR). The church is five minutes’ walk from London Bridge Station, behind Guy's Hospital. The Preacher is Fr Francis Murphy, priest of the Archdiocese of Southwark.

After Mass (at c.6.45pm) we will walk, praying the rosary silently, along the Martyr route via Tabard Street (formerly Kent Street) and Old Kent Road to the site of martyrdom at Saint Thomas Waterings (about 25 minutes), on arrival at which short prayers will be said. This was the route of the Canterbury Pilgrimage, so many of the holy Martyrs had made this journey before under happier circumstances.

Those unable to walk should bring a car or arrange some other means of transport.

If you would like to attend, please let us know.

We hope one day soon to be able to erect a small monument to Blessed David at the martyrdom site, for which we have the support of the Archbishop of Southwark - for more information and if you would like to support this please contact us - you can also make a donation for this purpose which would be gratefully received.

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Blessed Adrian Fortescue

Blessed Adrian Fortescue

The feast of the patron of the Grand Priory, Blessed Adrian Fortescue, will be celebrated with Holy Mass at 6:30pm on Monday 8 July 2024 at the church of Orr Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London.

Blessed Adrian was martyred under Henry VIII during his persecution of the Church and has been venerated by the Order of Malta as one of its martyrs continuous since that time. He was formally beatified on 13 May 1895.

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Day of Recollection

Day of Recollection

The Grand Priory will hold a Day of Recollection in Cambridge on 29 June 2024.

By kind invitation of Fr Paul Keane, Chaplain to the University of Cambridge and recently admitted as a chaplain of our Order, the day will be held at Fisher House. Fr Paul, who was vice-rector (and for a short time, rector) of Oscott College, a fine theologian and art historian, will lead the day.

All are invited and welcome to attend: all Members of the Order, Companions, members of the University and of the Chaplaincy community, and their friends and guests.

Those who live, study or work in Cambridge or East Anglia more broadly are strongly encouraged to attend.

From 10:15: Arrival and coffee
10.45 am: Sung lauds
11.15 am: First spiritual conference
12 pm: Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament
c.1.10 pm: Holy Mass
2pm: Lunch
2.45pm: Second spiritual conference
3:15 pm: Vespers and Benediction
c.3:45: Ends.

No formal arrangements will be made for lunch, but many attendees will bring food which we will share together in picnic-style lunch. Otherwise, there are plenty of cafes and restaurants in central Cambridge.

There will be a collection, with a suggested donation of £10 per person, to defray the costs of the day.

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