Opposing assisted suicide

The Grand Prior, Fra’ Max Rumney, and the President of the British Association, Lady Celestria Hales, have written the following letter to Members and friends of the Order of Malta in the UK:

Dear Member or friend of the Order of Malta,

We write to you on a matter of grave importance.  As you will know, a bill has been introduced to Parliament proposing a change in the law to permit doctors and other medical personnel to assist people commit suicide. It will be voted on in the House of Commons in one month’s time, on 29 November. If this becomes law, it will affect every family across the country. It ought to be of concern to everyone, but as members of the Order of Malta it is especially concerning as we have particular responsibility for some of the most vulnerable members of society, who will be negatively impacted if this bill becomes law.

The teaching of the Church is clear: “Intentional euthanasia, whatever its forms or motives, is murder. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Article 2324).

The Order of Malta always highlighted the inherent dignity of every human being, in both its public support and advocacy for the teaching of the Church, and in its daily practical application of that teaching in the service and protection of vulnerable members of society, whether through the care homes for which we, together with the Venerable Order, are responsible, or our work with homeless, or our companionship with those with physical or mental disabilities.

Each one of us as Members of the Order is called now to stand up and do all we can to prevent the threat that this law poses to the disabled, the sick, and the elderly. The most effective thing we can do is to try and influence our lawmakers, to help them understand why they must vote against it. In 2015, another similar bill was defeated in the House of Commons 330 to 118, so it is not unrealistic that we can succeed in defeating this latest attempt.

We ask you to please, as soon as possible, write a personal handwritten or typed letter to your Member of Parliament, explaining that you are concerned about the impact this law could have on the vulnerable, and that you hope he or she will vote against it. Enclosed with this letter is a Briefing Note on this proposed change in law, which may help you with your letter and talking to friends and family.

Please keep this cause in your prayers in the weeks and months ahead, and do all you can to highlight and advocate for the dignity of every human being.

Sincerely your brother and sister in Christ,

Fra’ Max and Celestria

You can download a PDF of this letter here.

A detailed briefing note can be found here.

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre, the leading Catholic bioethics institution in the UK, has also prepared detailed and useful information and resources on this issue.


Annual Requiem Mass


Memorandum of Understanding between Order and UK government