Novena in preparation for Lourdes

Between 4 and 9 May, the Grand Priory will be joining the Order of Malta’s international pilgrimage to Lourdes together with the British Association and members, volunteers, and hospital pilgrims from around the world.

Fr Stephen Morrison, our Lead Chaplain for Lourdes, has prepared, as in previous years, a Novena for us to pray together in preparation for our pilgrimage to Lourdes next week, starting on 26 April which can be accessed here.

Please consider praying the Novena for the intention of our pilgrims, especially our hospital pilgrims, that Our Lady of Lourdes will bestow many blessings on them and our Order. 

Any prayer intentions to be remembered on the pilgrimage before the Blessed Sacrament and at the Grotto can be sent to us by using the Contact page.


Pilgrimage to Lourdes


Annual Dames’ retreat