It is not every week that Catholic blogs have good news to report, in the continuing onslaught of Evil, of which there are daily examples in every walk of life and in the Church, so it is a joy to be able to report that today the Home Secretary has announced in a written statement that there will be no introduction of buffer zones outside abortion clinics. It is not perfect, the power remains with local authorities to act unilaterally, but it is nevertheless an answer to prayer, to your prayers, those of you who have been following these matters here and elsewhere. Keep praying!
Please pray too for the Home Secretary, Savid Javid, he will be pilloried by the liberal Left. At a time when the Government is so timid and so keen to be seen to be with-it, he has been courageous. A government minister has stood up for that which is just, and must be justly lauded. Already by Labour it has been called a "disgusting failure to uphold women's rights."
Pray for Mothers who in their despair, often pushed into sin, and under relentless pressure from the corrupt world, turn to the dreadful aberration of abortion. Pray for the Mothers who resist and bring souls into the world. And pray for those good souls who keep their simple vigil of peace in the places of Evil. They are painted by the world as wicked manipulators, medieval monsters standing in arrogant judgment, yet they always look rather pathetic, never numerous, usually in the cold, clutching their simple rosaries as they mumble their petitions. Yet they are warriors of great courage, who every time they save a young soul achieve a victory equal to that of Sobieski's victory in Vienna which we celebrated yesterday! Our Lady's victory!
The other piece of good news this week, of course, extraordinary news by any measure, is the consecration of the new Abbess of Our Lady of Ephesus, Gower, Missouri. See here. The first consecrated Abbess in the history of the United States of America. Now – in the modern Church! In the Extraordinary Form! Again we have to thank the wonderful Bishop Morlino. The Abbey Church of Our Lady Queen of Apostles was was consecrated the day before according to the pre-1961 Pontifical. The most amazing this about this glorious news is that a handful of Sisters came together only 10 years ago. Since then, they have bought a site, built up their community, built the Romanesque church, built a monastery, and been erected as an abbey by the Holy See. That's how long it takes if you have Faith, that is how soon we could turn around all the troubles of the Church and of our Order. Ten short years. How much we men have to learn in matters of Faith from women!
Pray, then for women, both as Mothers and in the Consecrated Life, those are their only two vocations. Both are under attack now more than ever before.
And pray for men, particularly those who have answered a vocation as Knights, that they may have the courage to emulate the example of their sisters.