The last 24 hours have brought two bits of news.
FIRSTLY this article in the Evening Standard, reporting apparent public 'outrage' at a pro-Life stall at a fair in South London. Indeed in the same park where a week earlier Members and Companions of our Order and been celebrating the Martyrdom of Blessed David Gunson, who was hanged drawn and quartered there, at St Thomas Waterings, now Burgess Park, in July 1541. Clearly the spirit of his executioners is alive and well! Both hate the Church.
It might have been thought that small children liked playing with dolls, yet it would seem that dolls of babies from the day of birth are fine, but dolls of the same babies from the days and weeks before are not. Thank goodness the article describes them correctly as dolls of "unborn babies", and not with some pseudo-medical euphemism!
SECONDLY this report in Aleteia that the very same image, of an unborn baby curled up in his mother's womb, which has been placed upon the 25 Kuna coin of Croatia. (H/T Fr.Z, here). Legal tender for all to see, carry and use.
It might have been thought that small children liked playing with dolls, yet it would seem that dolls of babies from the day of birth are fine, but dolls of the same babies from the days and weeks before are not. Thank goodness the article describes them correctly as dolls of "unborn babies", and not with some pseudo-medical euphemism!
SECONDLY this report in Aleteia that the very same image, of an unborn baby curled up in his mother's womb, which has been placed upon the 25 Kuna coin of Croatia. (H/T Fr.Z, here). Legal tender for all to see, carry and use.
What does this tell us about the formation of the population of these two countries, as members of families, as members of society, as members of the human race?
Pray for Britain, and for all of Western Europe, so confused and drifting in a sea of ignorance and insanity. Pray for the Church, that She may guide us though the dark waters. Pray for our bishops, that they will have the strength to carry out the responsibility which is theirs to teach, in an age which is changing faster than they sometime can follow.
Our Lady of Philermo, pray for us and for families
St John the Baptist, pray for us and for families
Bl David Gunson, pray for us and for families
Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satan and all the wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.