Our Lenten Evening of Recollection will take place on Wednesday 7th March, beginning at 7pm. Through the kindness of the Rector, our confrère Father Christopher Colven, it will be held in the Lady Chapel of St James’s Church, Spanish Place.
The evening will be led by the Reverend Father David Howell, assistant priest at Corpus Christi, Brixton Hill. Fr Howell was ordained in July 2016, and is known to a number of us through Oxford and OMV connections.
The evening will begin with Vespers, followed by a Lenten Reflection given by Fr Howell, and will conclude with Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
As ever, everyone is welcome: ALL members of BASMOM, other members of the Order in Britain, Companions and guests.
St James’s Spanish Place is at 22 George Street, London, W1U 3QY – north of Manchester Square, behind the Wallace Collection.
There will be drinks in the Rectory afterwards, and a contribution of £10 per head (£5 for younger attendees) will be invited to cover the expenses of the evening.