Let us rejoice today in the intercession of all the Saints throughout the ages whom Holy Mother Church honours in triumph this day upon all the altars of the world.
This year, which also sees the fifth centenary of the Protestant Reformation, let us ask the Saints, especially the holy Martyrs and witnesses of the Truth in our own Order of Saint John, which was cruelly destroyed in this land by the Protestant heresies, to assist us in our prayers to convert all Protestants to the True Faith, as in charity we welcome them into the One True Fold of the Church. Let us also pray for those misguided Catholics, who through impulses of false ecumenism, have joined in the celebrations in honouring the heresiarch Martin Luther, and for the countless worthy souls who pray for their good, and who join us in the ceaseless prayer of Tuitio Fidei.
Let us pray too for the victims of the Reformation, and, amongst our own, those Sisters of our Order who were left starving and homeless, the Sick of our Hospitals left to die, the Poor left unfed, the tenants of our Commanderies destitute. May all the Holy Saints come to their eternal aid, and to the aid of the countless victims of heresy and cruelty throughout the world in our own day.
All Holy Martyrs, pray for us,
All Holy Confessors and Doctors, pray for us.
All Holy Monks and Hermits, pray for us.
All Holy Widows and Virgins, pray for us.
Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More, pray for us
Blessed Adrian Fortescue, pray for us
Blessed David Gunson, pray for us.