DAY OF RECOLLECTION - Saturday 25th March
The Annunciation by Pietro Gagliardi, 1874, in the Church of Tarxien, Malta |
Through the kindness of the Oratory Fathers, Lauds, Mass, Vespers and Benediction, and the Spiritual Conferences will take place in the Little Oratory, Brompton Road, London SW7 2RP. The day will be led by Father Stephen Morrison O. Præm. of the Norbertine Priory at Chelmsford.
As ever, everyone is welcome: ALL members of BASMOM, other members of the Order in Britain, Companions and guests.
10.30am Lauds
11.00am First Spiritual Conference, followed by opportunity for Confession/recitation of the Rosary
12.00 noon Mass
1.15pm Lunch
2.00pm Second Spiritual Conference
3.15pm Vespers, Exposition and Benediction
No formal arrangements will be made for lunch. For those who wish to bring something with them, we will ‘picnic’ in St Wilfrid’s Hall. Feel free to bring things to eat and drink which may be shared. Some may wish to go to a local hostelry. The day will resume with the second Spiritual Conference promptly at 2.00pm. A donation of £10 per head will be requested on the day.