This Saturday, the 6th of October, is the First Saturday of the month and the first anniversary of this project which was initially started on Facebook in answer to the request of the Grand Master to pray for an increase of vocations of professed knights of the Order. Our Brethren in the United States, who have responded to this initiative, offer us the following opportunity for Tuitio Fidei - without the professed we cannot pursue this necessary work of the Order.

We are invited to consider making a holy hour praying for the intentions of an increase of vocations to the First Class or Professed Knights of the Order and the sanctification of all members and their works. If you cannot make a full hour please try and offer at least a few minutes of the day asking Our Lady of Philermo for her intercession for these intentions. Since we started this day of prayer we have had one vocation to the novitiate and another who has recently begun the process toward entering formation. Let’s pray that we can see at least five new vocations by next October. Below are two prayers for vocation which may be of assistance.
Eucharistic Holy Hour Prayer for Vocations

O my Jesus, I have come to spend this hour alone with you, in humble petition for an abundant increase in vocations to the professed knights of our Order. You have said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers to His harvest.” Encouraged by your words I come into your presence and confidently present my prayers in your sight. Graciously bestow upon Your Church an abundance of vocations to the professed knights. Enlighten the minds and hearts of many to respond to your invitation to heroically labor for the salvation of souls through service to the poor and in defense of the Faith. Gather under the standard of the eight pointed cross a multitude of men willing to give their very lives for the sake of the Gospel. May all those who feel your call stirring in their hearts join the ranks of those already working for the new evangelization of the world. You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 

Vocation Prayer for Professed Knights of the SMOM

Blessed Gerard, in the early days of the Order, your example and zeal prompted many young men to follow you in serving Christ in “our Lords the Sick” As the founder of our Order, continue to inspire talented and devoted men to consecrate their lives to God as professed knights. Through your intercession, lead to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem generous and sacrificing men, willing to give themselves fervently to the apostolate of tuitio fidei and obsequiem pauperum.  
Our Lady of Philermo prepare your sons to be worthy of the grace of the Hospitaller vocation. Inspire their hearts to become learned of God, that with firm determination they might aspire to be “champions of the Faith and true lights of the world.”
St. John the Baptist as patron of our Order strengthen with courage and conviction those called to wear the eight pointed cross of the Order. Pray that they may be filled with constancy, strength, and zeal to be witnesses of Christ’s saving presence in the world, serving Him faithfully and beyond reproach. Amen.
Oremus pro invicem.

