We have received an email from COALITION FOR MARRIAGE, which has been sent to everyone who signed the Petition, so one would hope that all readers of this blog will have received it, but this post acts as a gentle reminder, and to fill any gaps. Please act TODAY and contact your MP.
Dear marriage supporter,
A national newspaper today reveals secret emails between the Home Office and the Department for Education which make clear that redefining marriage will have an impact on what is taught about marriage in schools.
We would like you to email your MP about this matter — more about that in a moment.
Hidden information
It is outrageous that this information was hidden from the public when the consultation process was ongoing. Officials and ministers knew there was an issue, but said nothing to the public.
The secret Government emails came to light following a Freedom of Information request. They show that Government officials were worried about how the media (and therefore the public) would react if it became known that redefining marriage would affect school lessons.
Officials wanted “defensive lines to take” with the press, should the matter come to light. One official said they knew it was a potential “minefield”.
How it affects schools
Under the current law, schools are under a legal duty to teach children about the importance of marriage. If marriage is redefined, it will affect what children are taught about marriage in the classroom.
The Government emails conclude with a document approved by schools minister Nick Gibb, which makes clear that education guidance about marriage will be affected if marriage is redefined.
It just goes to show that redefining marriage is no modest measure. It reaches down into everyday life, even into the classrooms of our children and grandchildren.
Contact your local MP
Please email your MP (Click here to find his address) about this matter today.
If you are parent or grandparent, say so.
If you are a teacher, say so.
If you aren’t a parent, grandparent, or teacher, please still write to your MP.
Tell your MP about today’s press story, and include this link:
Say you are opposed to redefining marriage and you are deeply concerned about its impact on schools.
Also include some (but not all) of these points:
Say the rights and beliefs of parents should not be undermined by schools.
Ask what would happen to a parent who objected to gay marriage being taught.
Ask what would happen to a teacher who objected to teaching gay marriage to children.
Say schools should concentrate on the basics of a decent education, not promoting the redefinition of marriage.
Say it is outrageous that this matter was hidden from the public during the consultation process.
This news shows why we need to keep up the pressure on the Government.