Should you scroll down the sidebar, you would find the new "Vatican Widget", of which there is a picture above, a means of linking to the latest news from the Holy See.
This has been distributed to websites and blogs by the Servizio Internet Vaticano of the Directorate of Telecommunications, as a means of furthering the Holy Father's apostolate of spreading the Papal Magisterium by modern means of communication.
Through it you will find links to regular features on the website, such as the Angelus addresses, papal messages and encyclicals, as well as video links to the Papal ceremonies and other significants events. It seems quite well thought through, and promises to be useful.
Its working is self-explanatory once you start clicking the links it contains. It also has rather cool YouTube and Twitter links at the bottom, giving real-time information. These people are serious.
For those who think this is all a bit eccentrically intense or esoteric, one would point out that the Holy See has invested considerable effort and many millions of euros into internet and television technology, and much care is put into the presentation of the various events, so it may safely be presumed that this is a legitimate wish of Pope Benedict. The Church cannot stand still, as he teaches us regularly.
W shall leave the 'combox' open and should be grateful for comments on this: as to its benefits; how it fits into this blog; or how it might be improved. Constructive suggestions will be forwarded to the Servizio Internet Vaticano.
Saint Isidore of Seville, Patron of the internet, pray for us.