Holy Week and Easter
at Westminster Cathedral
Sunday 1st April – Palm Sunday
Mass (Sat 6pm), 8, 9am, 12.15, 5.30, 7pm
Blessing of Palms, Procession, Solemn Mass* 10am
Vespers and Benediction* 3.30pm
Confessions 11am-1pm; 4.30-7pm
Monday 2nd April
Mass 7, 8, 10.30am (Latin), 12.30, 1.05, 5.30pm (Solemn*)
Morning Prayer 7.40am; Vespers* 5pm
Confessions 10.30am-6pm
Tuesday 3rd April
Mass 7, 8am, 5.30pm
Chrism Mass* 12pm
Morning Prayer 7.40am; Evening Prayer 5pm
Confessions 10.30-11.30am, 1.30-6pm
Wednesday 4th April
Mass 7, 8, 10.30am (Latin), 12.30, 1.05, 5.30pm (Solemn*)
Morning Prayer 7.40am; Vespers* 5pm
Confessions 10.30am-6pm
Thursday 5th April – Maundy Thursday
Morning Prayer 10am
Confessions 10.30am-5.30pm
Mass of the Lord’s Supper* 6pm
Watching at the Altar of Repose from after Mass until 12am
Compline 11.45pm
The Cathedral is open 7.50am-midnight
Friday 6th April – Good Friday
Office of Readings* 10am
Walk of Witness from Methodist Central Hall at 12pm
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion* 3pm
Stations of the Cross 6.30pm
Confessions 10.30am-2pm, 5pm-6pm
The Cathedral is open 7.50am-8pm
Saturday 7th April – Holy Saturday
Office of Readings* 10am
Blessing of Easter Food 3pm
Confessions 10.30am-5pm
The Easter Vigil* 8.30pm
The Cathedral is open 8.30am-5.30pm, 7.30pm-10.30pm
Sunday 8th April – Easter Sunday
Mass 8, 9am, 12.15, 5.30, 7pm
Morning Prayer, followed by Solemn Mass* 10am
Vespers and Benediction* 3.30pm
Confessions 11am-1pm
Monday 9th – Friday 13th April
Mass 10.30am, 12.30pm, 5pm
Morning Prayer 10am
Confessions 11am-1pm
The Cathedral is open 9am-5.40pm
The Cathedral Choir sings at services marked with an asterisk*
The Archbishop of Westminster is main celebrant at services printed in red