As we prepare for the Papal visit to our land, it is incumbent upon us to pray for the Holy Father, for his intentions, for the success of the visit, and for the broader good of the Church.
It is not too strong to say that we have witnessed growing attacks upon both the person of Pope Benedict and upon the Church in recent months in papers and media which we have been brought up to respect, and of which we might have expected better.
For those of us in the Order of Malta, and for those collaborating with the work of the Order through the Companions and other groups, we are reminded that our charism of Tuitio Fidei requires of us the defense of the Church and of the person and teaching of the Pope against secular attacks. These attacks are as grave as the physical attacks by the Turk in our formative centuries.
To prepare ourselves we need to be informed. It is not good enough to say we do not wish to read the scurrilous and intemperate things, often wholly untrue, which are written about the Pope, unpleasant as they are to ingest.
A deacon of the Diocese of Lancaster, Rev Mr Nick Donnelly, an author for the Catholic Truth Society, who holds a BA Divinity in Theology, and who is on the editorial team of The Catholic Voice of Lancaster, the newspaper of the Diocese of Lancaster, has started a new Blog, Protect the Pope, to catalogue such negative statements, with a view to informing ordinary Catholics. We are grateful to him for this most worthy apostolate. We are grateful too to Fr Finigan for bringing this to our attention.
We commend it to you as an aid to directing your prayers, and to allow our readers to fight for Truth from an informed standpoint.
As Mr Donnelly writes:
Oremus pro Pontifice Nostro Benedicto.