Corpus Christi falls this year on Sunday 6th June. As is customary we will be having the usual Sunday Mass followed by a Corpus Christi Procession in and around the Hospital grounds.
Traditionally Corpus Christi is regarded as a time for the faithful of all ages to partake in the liturgy and procession and to this end all members of the Order, Companions and their friends are invited to participate. This will be an opportunity members of the regular Sunday congregation for them to come together with members of the Order, Companions and others. It is hoped that the day will attract a wide variety of ages.
There will be a Sung High Mass at 11.00am followed by the Procession, and Benediction.
After the Procession there will be an informal reception in the Chancellery and garden, weather permitting, for which a collection will be taken up on the day.
As it will also be a (hopefully) warm summer day we are suggesting that participants bring picnics for lunch afterwards in the garden. Families are as ever warmly encouraged to attend.
very welcome.